Get Active
Making Sports Accessible this Summer
There’s no better time than the hot, sunny days of summer vacation to get kids moving. And with the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games kicking off this July, young people all across the country will have a chance to see some of America’s finest athletes in action as they run, jump, swim and ride in hopes of bringing home the gold.
The Fastest Way to Living Healthy Starts Right Now. Let’s Go from #0to60 Every Day!
Ed. Note: This is a cross post from the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. You can find the original post here.
I am thrilled to share that the #0to60 Campaign is officially live! A collaborative effort between the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition and the National Foundation on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, #0to60 aims to empower Americans of all ages to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition. We teamed up with First Lady Michelle Obama and Funny Or Die star, Nick Offerman, to unveil a new #0to60 App, mobile-ready website, and “History of Exercise” video!
Wherever You Are – Let’s Read, Let’s Move
Ed. Note: This is a cross post from Homeroom, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education. You can find the original post here.
Reading over the summer makes students more prepared when the new school year begins. That’s why the U.S. Department of Education (ED) makes an annual call to action that encourages more reading time out of school, especially over the summer months. Two events held in August celebrated reading and physical activity and aimed to increase awareness about the critical importance of summer learning.
Let’s Move! Outside Engages Youth in Over 50 Cities
In 51 cities across the country from Anchorage to San Juan, young people are charting their own paths in America’s great outdoors. They are cleaning beaches in San Diego, planting gardens in Houston, paddling rivers in Minneapolis and dissecting invasive lionfish in Miami.
Hats Off for Active Schools!
It is time celebrate a new school year with the unveiling of the 2015 Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award recipients! Today, Let’s Move! Active Schools partners and staff are proud to honor the 525 schools from 37 states that have earned the top physical activity and physical education distinction for K-12 schools.
Let’s Read! Let’s Move! 2015
Now in its fifth year, with 27 events and nearly 4,000 students reading, moving, and receiving free books, the Let’s Read! Let’s Move! program continues to help students keep their minds and bodies active throughout the summer months, while learning about historic and iconic locations in Washington, D.C.
Let’s Move! Child Care Celebrates 4th Anniversary—Complete an Action Plan Today!
Let’s Move! Child Care (LMCC) gives child care and early education providers the tools to help children develop healthy habits for life. As part of the anniversary of LMCC, the program is highlighting child care centers that have not only signed up, but completed their action plans to work toward creating a healthier environment at their center.
President Obama Proclaims September 2015 National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Today marks the beginning of an important month. President Obama has proclaimed September 2015 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.
Active Kids Do Better
Ed Note: This blog is cross-posted from You can find the original post here.
As we approach end of the school year for students across America, the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition is raising awareness about the importance of physical activity and good nutrition for all kids before, during and after the school day. We know that ACTIVE KIDS DO BETTER! They perform better academically and tend to make better health choices into adulthood.
Kicking off Let’s Move!’s Anniversary Month with Our Top Five Let’s Move! Moments of the Last Year
This month marks the fourth anniversary of Let’s Move! As we gear up to celebrate the anniversary with events and new announcements, the Let’s Move! team took a moment to look back at the last year. Here’s what we thought were our most memorable moments. What do you think? Share your favorite Let’s Move! moments with us through Twitter and Facebook using #LetsMove.
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