A Call to Action for Mayors and Elected Officials
A Call to Action for Local Elected Officials
Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative that was launched by the First Lady in 2010 and is dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams.
In a January 2010 address, First Lady Michelle Obama called on local elected officials to take a leadership role. The First Lady has always said that local leaders are uniquely positioned to champion healthy communities, which is why she launched the national initiative of Let’s Move! Cities and Towns in June 2010.
Since then, the initiative expanded to include counties, and in July 2012 the First Lady announced private and public sector commitments to support Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties with new tools, resources and a framework to enhance the vital work happening at the local level.
Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties provides a structured program for local elected officials to take action on improving children’s health. Currently, over 500 cities, towns, and counties, in all 50 states, are participating in the initiative. These local elected officials took action and have taken steps to prevent childhood obesity and make their communities healthier for everyone. Of those participating municipalities, over 70 have reached the highest level of recognition within the initiative and more than 80 million Americans are now living in a Let’s Move! City, Town, or County community.
Cities, towns, and counties can be recognized, through the Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties initiative, for the great work they are already doing to make their communities healthier! Subject matter experts will work with your community to help your city, town, or county make progress in the initiative. Learn how you can be recognized here.
A key partner in the Let’s Move! Cities, Towns, and Counties sub-initiative is the National League of Cities (NLC). The NLC assists local elected officials implement policy and environmental changes to prevent childhood obesity. The NLC provides local elected officials with technical assistance that draws upon subject matter expertise of these partners, supports peer learning opportunities, and offers customized guidance through webinars, conference calls, and site visits, as appropriate.
Become a Let’s Move! City, Town or County
Local elected officials can sign up their city, town or county here.