Let’s Move! Child Care (LMCC) recognizes Child Care Centers for Obesity Prevention Efforts
Let’s Move! Child Care (LMCC) hosted a recognition event luncheon at the 2015 National CACFP Sponsors Association Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. The National CACFP Sponsor Association is leading the national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Thank you to all child care and early education centers and homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP); CACFP sponsoring agencies; and State/Territorial/Tribal CACFP agencies who completed a nomination form for the recognition event. We salute the more than 160 nominees for the great obesity prevention work they are doing!
Winners with Rachel Powell, LMCC Operations Manager and Blake Stanford, President of National CACFP Sponsors Association
The winners were selected based on their obesity prevention efforts focused on the 5 goals areas of LMCC: physical activity, nutrition, healthy beverages, reducing screen time, and supporting breastfeeding. Each nominee was considered based on creativity and innovation, overcoming challenges, and family engagement. LMCC announced a call for nominations in November 2014 and winners were announced in March 2015. We would like to congratulate and applaud the winners for their great obesity prevention efforts that promote young children's health.
Read the full list of winners from the 2015 National CACFP Sponsors Association Conference