Cheers to Five Years of Let’s Move!
Five years ago, First Lady Michelle Obama launched Let’s Move!, a nationwide initiative to set children on a path to a healthy future. And over the past five years, we have seen incredible commitments from parents, business leaders, educators, elected officials, military leaders, chefs, physicians, athletes, childcare providers, community and faith leaders, and kids themselves to improve the health of our nation’s children.
This year:
Let's CELEBRATE what we have achieved together – the national conversation we have started, the changes we are seeing at every level from families' homes to grocery stores to schools and communities.
Let’s CHALLENGE each other to dig deeper and do more to support our kids’ health. While we have come a long way, there is still a long way to go to ensure all kids have the opportunity to grow up healthy.
Let’s CHAMPION this issue for the long term. Let’s continue to innovate and collaborate to nurture our children into the future.
Each of us have a role to play, and thanks to everyone’s collective efforts, we have so much to be proud of this year. Families now have access to more of the information they need to make healthier decisions for their kids. Schools have transformed into healthier environments, providing more nutritious meals and snacks and increased opportunities for physical activity. More Americans have access to healthy, affordable food in their communities. And more businesses are shifting to support increased consumer demands for healthier products.
As we celebrate, challenge, and champion these efforts this year, we want you to join us all along the way! Stay tuned for ways to get involved with Let’s Move! this year by following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook.