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Time to Get Cooking: New MyPlate-Inspired Recipes Available

Are you looking for new, tasty, and healthy recipes to try out for your family meals? We have just the place where you can find them. Last week, new recipes were added to the MyPlate Pinterest board including Mexican, Italian, and Chinese inspired recipes that will give you a taste of dishes from around the world!

Try out the Mexican Edamame and Couscous Salad or Pork Tacos with Pineapple Salsa from the Mexican-inspired board; Caprese Zucchini or Classic Chicken Piccata from the Italian-inspired board; or Quick Fried Brown Rice with Shrimp and Snap Peas or Veggie and Tofu Stir-Fry from the Chinese-inspired board. There are so many great recipes to try to suit whichever type of cuisine is your family’s favorite.

The MyPlate Recipes Pinterest board is a collaboration among the Partnership for a Healthier America, Let’s Move!, MyPlate, and the nation’s top recipe creators, which makes thousands of tasty recipes available to anyone looking for healthier meals. Be sure to keep checking back as new recipes are continuously posted to the site.

Each of the recipes on the Pinterest board are inspired by the MyPlate icon which reminds us to eat balanced meals filled with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. In addition to the variety of recipes on Pinterest, you can also check out for more resources on planning and preparing healthy, balanced meals.

So what are you waiting for? Head into the kitchen and getting cooking! Make it a fun family activity by encouraging your kids to join in as well. When kids are engaged in preparing and cooking healthy meals, they’re more likely to try new foods and they build confidence in the kitchen and learn skills that they can carry throughout their lives.