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Everything Your Family Needs to Start Cooking Healthy Meals at Home!

We all know there’s nothing like a healthy, home-cooked meal.  So the next time you’re planning time together with your family, spend it in the kitchen. Cooking at home is the perfect way to teach and encourage kids to develop their own healthy habits. Research has shown that children who help with cooking and meal preparation are more likely to consume fruits and vegetables, and they are more aware of the importance of making healthier food choices.

First Lady Michelle Obama and students from Bancroft Elementary School prepare healthy food in the Kitchen of the White House, June 16, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

Last week, First Lady Michelle Obama gave the keynote address at the Partnership for a Healthier America’s “Building a Healthier Future” Summit.  During her remarks, the First Lady noted that Let’s Move! will focus on helping families start cooking again:

“And cooking isn’t just good for our budgets or our physical health, it’s also good for our kids’ emotional health. Research shows that when families share meals together, kids actually perform better in school, and they get along better with their peers. And let’s not forget that cooking together can actually be fun.”

Don’t know where to start? Check out for tips and resources to help you create countless nutritious menus and meals. From guides to healthy eating on a budget to daily food plans, MyPlate has all the tools to prepare your family for a fun-filled day of cooking. For kitchen inspiration, you can also visit the MyPlate Pinterest page, which has hundreds of nutrient-packed recipes, including some new additions to the First Lady’s Favorite MyPlate Recipes.

Take your cooking to the next level with the “My Recipe” feature on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SuperTracker site, which helps users create and execute personalized nutrition and physical activity plans. With My Recipe, you can analyze and save each recipe, ensuring your family maintains a healthy diet.

So pick up some of your favorite fruits and veggies and get cooking with your family today!