Making Exercise Fun in South Carolina
Hagood Elementary School in Pickens, South Carolina, is a progressive school encouraging students to live a healthy lifestyle through nutritious meals and exercise. Our goal is to encourage a healthy lifestyle while trying to promote healthy decisions.
All Hagood Elementary School students and staff are encouraged to take a daily health walk on the Hagood track during the school day.
We encourage our kids to choose delicious, nutritious foods. Our kids love beans and sweet potatoes, and we make it a priority to offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. We also regularly seek the input of our students on menu choices, conduct taste testing events, and look for fun, creative ways to get students involved. For example, last year we had a healthy salad recipe culinary competition for the students in third, fourth and fifth grades. The winning recipe of the “cook-off” will be featured on this year’s menu.
We have implemented fun activities to encourage students and teachers alike to be active—things like our Walking Club, Jump Rope for Heart event, Walk a Child to School day, and our daily Health Walks. We think these easy to replicate activities are great ideas for all schools!
See other blog posts in this series:
- From the White House Kitchen Garden to Your #LetsMoveGarden
- First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks to Parade Magazine
- The Wonderful World of Webinars
- Boy Oh Boy! Boise Combats Childhood Obesity Wtih New Childcare Workshop Series