Make Moving Fun!
In 2009, Apryl Krakovsky, a mom of two kids at Overland Elementary, thought of an idea to start off the school day with a bit of physical activity. Nothing too complicated—just a simple 15-minute start to the day where kids could move around and have fun. Through her passion and resourcefulness, Apryl was able to make the idea a reality. Three years later, Apryl still leads the program, now called Overland in Motion, before school every day. Students, along with teachers and staff, gather outside of the school and follow dance and movement routines led by Apryl and other students. The goal of the program is simple: to move more.
Not only does Overland in Motion encourage physical activity among youth in a fun and engaging way, but it’s also impacted the school in other ways. Each day, students rotate to join Apryl on stage and lead their peers, giving them the opportunity to learn leadership skills. The program also encourages students of different grade levels and ages to bond. Apryl has even integrated nutrition into the program by encouraging healthy eating during the routine.
Overland in Motion has received an outpouring of positive responses from parents, students, teachers and staff, and other community members. Principal of Overland Elementary, Anna Born, is a huge supporter of the program and believe it is has contributed to the school’s recent academic improvement. The program also helped to inspire families to arrange other fun physical activities for their kids, like weekend hikes and family motion nights.
Overland in Motion is a perfect example of what you can do with just some enthusiasm and creativity. Follow Apryl’s example by starting a physical activity program in your community or school. Begin how Apryl did—by getting inspired by and learning from other schools with amazing programs. Take a look at the 11 schools recgonized in ChildObesity 180’s nationwide physical innovation competition, Active Schools Acceleration Project (ASAP) to see the innovative ways they have increased physical activity among students.