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What Your Kids Should Be Drinking This Summer

As the weather gets hotter, it’s becoming more important to make sure that kids stay hydrated. Let’s Move! Child Care has a new tip sheet that offers great advice for keeping your kids safe and healthy this summer. Drink up!

DOs and DON’Ts:

  • DO give your kids water to keep them hydrated, indoors and outdoors. Try adding fruit slices or berries to the water for an extra fun taste!
  • DO serve 100% fruit juice (check the label) from a cup. Try diluting it with water to train your child’s palette to enjoy mild sweetness.
  • DO model healthy drinking by avoiding sugar drinks in front of children.
  • DON’T serve juice continually throughout the day. It’s always best to eat whole fruit, which includes important dietary fiber.
  • DON’T serve water or 100% juice or nectars to infants under the age of 1 year (unless otherwise directed by your doctor).
  • DON’T serve juice from a bottle or sippy cup because of the increased risk of tooth decay.

Interested in more information for helping young ones live healthy, active lifestyles? Visit Let’s Move! Child Care and join the movement!