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White House Roundtable: Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day

Last week, children of mommy bloggers from across the country packed their backpacks, put on their best, and headed to the White House with pen, paper, and questions in hand, ready for a roundtable with First Lady Michelle Obama marking the 20th anniversary of National Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day.

After hosting a Q&A session with children of White House staff, Mrs. Obama took questions from a smaller audience in the White House Old Family Dining Room. Blogger moms and their little ones met with the First Lady to discuss how they implement Let's Move! in their own lives.

Chatting It Up: FLOTUS Hosts Let's Move Roundtable

First Lady Michelle Obama participates in a women’s online outlets roundtable on “Let’s Move!” and motherhood in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House, April 26, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)

What did these future leaders think of the day? Check out their highlights from the experience:  

"It was the best day ever! My favorite part of being at the White House was that I got to meet the First Lady, and that she gave me a hug. And I liked eating lunch in the kitchen!"

- Alanna Saunders, 7
Alanna’s mom Lylah Alphonse is from Yahoo! Shine

"My favorite thing was getting to ask Michelle Obama a question. And also, the hummus in the White House kitchen."

- Spencer Crowley, 5
Spencer’s mom Tracy Odell is from CafeMom

“My favorite part of the day was getting advice about high school from Mrs. Obama!”

- Amanda Kahn, 14
Amanda’s mom Jodi Kahn is from iVillage

"It was so cool to visit the White House and meet First Lady Michelle Obama on Take Your Child to Work Day. It is a day that I will always remember. It was also cool to find out that President Obama is a big fan of basketball like me."

- Masai Olowokere, 10
Masai’s mom Shanelle Rein-Olowokere is from

"It was very exciting. It was cool to eat lunch with First Lady. She is like a normal person, but I wasn't really surprised about that. When I got home, everyone wanted hear about it-- everyone in the hallways was like, hey I heard you went to the White House!"

- Carlos Kanter, 8
Carlos’s mom Lori Leibovich is from Huffington Post media Group