San Diego County Says “Healthy Works!”
In an enthusiastic response to First Lady Obama’s “Let’s Move!” initiative, San Diego County, California, has in turn initialized its own program, known as "Live Well, San Diego!" Among a number of sub-programs brought into existence under the “Live Well, San Diego!” umbrella, the “Healthy Works” program focuses on children in the school system. In this way, they have ensured that children will enjoy a nutritious breakfast every day, which has actually increased classroom attendance and lowered the number of nurse visits.
In addition, “Healthy Works” has provided physical training to a large amount of San Diego County’s school districts and implemented updates to the San Diego website to provide more options for a physically active way to get back and forth to school, including organizing ‘walking school buses’ and ‘bike buddies’. Another change that this program has affected is in the way the schools acquire their food for the children, creating a partnership between San Diego Unified School District and local farmers, and providing approximately 72,000 meals throughout the school system.
“Healthy Works” has also established five sites for regional Garden Education Centers, to teach interested individuals and families how to start and maintain gardens at their homes. Another part of the program involves working with local farmers markets with a ‘fresh fund’, a fund that matches funds up to twenty dollars each month to participating vendors, which supports the participation of local farmers and encourages the public to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables. Altogether, “Live Well, San Diego” is helping to create sustainable change throughout San Diego County!