“Twilight: New Moon” and “Twilight: Eclipse” Actor Chaske Spencer Speaks Out on Getting Healthy in Indian Country
Deep in the heart of Menominee country, Chaske Spencer addressed over 350 Native American children and community members in Keshena, Wisconsin on May 25, 2011 during the launch of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! in Indian Country initiative to combat childhood obesity. The community, vastly known for its tranquil outdoor beauty and lush forests is also suffering, like most tribal communities, from obesity and health related issues among its youth. According to the tribe’s Chairman, Mr. Randall Chevalier, the community, “has ranked dead last out of 72 counties in Wisconsin on all health risk factors”.
The children in the Menominee community, anticipating Chaske’s arrival for days, could be heard quietly chattering in excitement in the Menominee Woodland Bowl amphitheatre when the famous Native actor, and star in the Twilight saga film series, arrived to the First Lady’s launch event. “The children have been very excited about seeing Chaske in person” said the School Principal, Kris Wells, of the Keshena Primary School. When speaking, the children hushed in silence and erupted in cheers to applaud their role model’s message. “I don’t drink, smoke or use drugs”, the actor told the kids, “Eating healthy and being active is important and it’s up to each and every one of you to make that commitment in your life, just like I do.”
Chaske is a member of the Fort Peck Tribe of Montana and a role model for Native youth. As a child, the actor reported that he personally struggled to find access to healthy food on the reservation, “Both of my parents worked and there were days when I would come home from school and buy a candy bar and soda from the local convenience store for dinner. It’s hard to eat healthy, but 70% of staying healthy, comes from a healthy diet” he says. In addition, Chaske says that he is excited to be a part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! in Indian Country initiative and help promote the message to build healthier communities across Indian Country.
Visit letsmove.obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/indiancountry.Sign up to be part of the solution!