Earn Your Presidential Active Lifestyle Award
Everyone has a part to play in improving nutrition, physical activity and health of our families and communities. Kids and families across the country are invited to join First Lady Michelle Obama in participating in the President's Challenge.
"To show everyone just how much fun it can be, I will be working to earn my Active Lifestyle Award. I’m going to do it. And I want kids across the country to join me." - First Lady Michelle Obama
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Adding more activity to your daily life can be easy and fun – and now you can earn an award for being active. To earn your Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA), all you need to do is document your active exercise each day (60 minutes/day for children and 30 minutes/day for adults), 5 days a week, for six weeks.
Join the President’s Active Lifestyle Program, here's how:
1. Make the commitment (this can be a family or team effort)
2. Sign up online, print the activity log PDF or start a group
3. Log your activity
4. Earn your award
With over 100 activities to choose from, there's something for everyone! Record your activities and track your progress for 60 minutes a day/ 5 days a week for youths under the age of 18 or 60 minutes a day for adults. You can even compare your progress with others who are taking the President's Challenge.
The President's Challenge not only helps you stay active - it also gives you a little extra motivation while you're at it. That's because you can earn special Presidential awards recognizing your accomplishments.
We'll be updating this blog post with the First Lady's progress, so check back.
Visit www.PresidentsChallenge.org to learn more