Op-Ed by the First Lady: A Food Bill We Need
Today the First Lady wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post on the importance of the Child Nutrition Bill. The groundbreaking legislation that will bring fundamental change to schools and improve food options for children.
Mrs. Obama wrote:
To start, the bill will make it easier for the tens of millions of children who participate in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program -- and many others who are eligible but not enrolled -- to get the nutritious meals they need to do their best. It will set higher nutritional standards for school meals by requiring more fruits, vegetables and whole grains while reducing fat and salt. It will offer rewards to schools that meet those standards. And it will help eliminate junk food from vending machines and a la carte lines -- a major step that is supported by parents, health-experts, and many in the food and beverage industry.
She emphasized the importance of Congress passing this bill as soon as possible:
We owe it to the children who aren't reaching their potential because they're not getting the nutrition they need during the day. We owe it to the parents who are working to keep their families healthy and looking for a little support along the way. We owe it to the schools that are trying to make progress but don't have the resources they need. And we owe it to our country -- because our prosperity depends on the health and vitality of the next generation.
Read the full story here.