New Foundation Created to Help Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids
Today marks an exciting milestone in the fight against the obesity epidemic. The newly created Partnership for a Healthier America is dedicated to the addressing America's obesity epidemic. Raising a healthier generation of children will require engaging in sustained and significant dialogue with States, communities, and the non-profit and private sectors. To support this effort, several foundations are helping to organize and fund a new foundation. This new organization will serve as a nonpartisan convener across the private, non-profit and public sectors to accelerate existing efforts addressing childhood obesity and to facilitate commitments towards the national target of solving childhood obesity within a generation. The First Lady Michelle Obama will serve as honorary chair to the advisory group and, to promote bipartisanship, one Democrat and one Republican Honorary Vice Chair will serve with her and these individuals will be announced shortly. The Partnership for a Healthier America is an independent, nonpartisan, organization that will act as catalyst for mobilizing broad based support for efforts to solve the child obesity challenge. The Partnership for a Healthier America emerged out of a series of conversations between The California Endowment, Kaiser Permanente, Nemours, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The Brookings Institution and Sonnenchein, Nath and Rosenthal, LLP have also joined to provide independent thought leadership and operational support for the Foundation's start-up and development. These institutions have made a lasting commitment to provide strategic guidance and expertise and to help fund and support the Foundation's creation and operations. Visit the website to learn more about The Partnership for a Healthier America or visit the Let's Move Facebook page to join the discussion today.