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PE Class with York Mayor Bracey

During the month of May, Mayor C. Kim Bracey of York, Pennsylvania, focused on First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative of encouraging children in the City of York, Pennsylvania to become active by participating in physical activities and working towards a healthier lifestyle.

To raise awareness of Let's Move! Cities, Towns, & Counties in her city, she decided the best way to was to lead by example to get children moving in the community.  She planned and organized several visits to multiple schools and community centers to witness first hand whether or not students were getting the physical activity they needed, and thus PE with the Mayor was born.

As Mayor Bracey would make her rounds to various schools, she would actively participate in each school's scheduled physical education classes for the day where she did jumping jacks, running in place, and square scooter racing with the children.

Mayor Bracey has pledged to make this a regular addition to her city's Let's Move! program and wants to encourage others throughout her community to volunteer and lead by example to help keep our next generation active!